segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

My Third Reflection

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 1: All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Convention on the Rights of the Child

Article 30: In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities or persons of indigenous origin exist, a child belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall not be denied the right, in community with other members of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to profess and practice his or her own religion, or to use his or her own language.

Article 39: States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; or armed conflicts. Such recovery and reintegration shall take place in an environment which fosters the health, self-respect and dignity of the child.

In my opinion the most important articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights are the first and the nineteenth because they are about freedom and this is very important in our lives. I am a lucky person because I was born in a time of “peace and love” and in my country freedom was just achieved thirty seven years ago. So freedom should be preserved by all the people around the world and we should be thankful for being born with this right. Freedom was given to us to make our dreams came true and get far in life.
 Another important thing is the freedom of opinion and expression, because without these we couldn’t express our opinion about things that we like or things that we don’t like. For example, the government implements some laws that people disagree with and according this right they can express their opinions and make demonstrations.  
     About the Convention on the Rights of the Child, one of the articles that I consider more important is the thirtieth, because independently the place where we are we shouldn’t forget our origins. This is about children and nowadays there are many who are adopted by people who live in other parts of the world. So, the adoptive parents should never forbid the child to do the things that are connected to his own culture, some things like: language, religion, food, etc. 
     The other article that I consider very important is the thirtieth-nine, because no child should suffer physically or psychologically. They should feel well where they spend most of their time, for example: school and home. And I say that because nowadays there are many cases of torture in schools (bullying) and at children’s homes, where relatives or closest friends who abuse physically, psychologically and sexually innocent kids. These kids never will be the same and when they grow up they will feel that they lost their dignity and respect. People who commit these crimes should be punished.      
     Concerning the question “Do women still have to fight for their rights?”, I guess they do, because there are still places where women are discriminated, abused and have no right to state their opinion.  It means that women should have the same rights that men have. So, in my opinion women still need to fight to achieve their goals and most of all be free.
     For me freedom is one of the things most precious things that people have in life, because without this we are nothing. So, freedom is: make what we want, say what we want, go to other place and just come back if we want, ie, we are not connected to anything. So, I give a lot of importance to freedom.   

quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011

Endengered languages - Cypriot Arabic

  1. Variant(s): Cypriot Maronite Arabic
  2. Geographical location: Cyprus: a few villages in the north
  3. Relationships: /Arabic/Semitic
  4. Present state of the language: SERIOUSLY ENDANGERED
      (a) children speakers: a few children may learn the language, but even they become more active in Greek (b) mean age of youngest speakers: (c) distribution by sex: (d) total number of speakers, members of the ethnic group: 2,000 speakers out of many thousands Maronites (e) degree of speakers' competence: Greek influence has been strong for a long time to make Cypriot Arabic a hybrid language, and the influence is even stronger today
  5. Sources:
      (i) information (about the language): -- (ii) published and unpublished material (of the language): a little (iii) competent scholar(s) and institution(s): --
  6. Remarks:
  7. Compiler: Tapani Salminen, Helsinki, 31 Dec 1993

Endangered Languages - Istro-Romanian

Endangered Language - Leonese

Future of English - The New York Times

segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

The Future of English

The future of English - Interview with Michael Swan

My second reflection

1974, January
Dear diary:
My first week in the NWL jail, was probably the worst moment in my life.
Three weeks ago I was arrested because of something I didn´t do! Stupid moment, stupid life, I’m very angry of those guards! Why did I spend the night in that garden with Paul!
We are accused of putting a bomb in a pub of British soldiers, but we did nothing, the detectives didn’t believe us and we were held at the police station for fifteen days.
During those fifteen days, we suffered many abuses. We were beaten, blackmailed and went through interrogation for endless hours.
Fifteen days later were at our first trial, where we suffering the consequences of a bomb who killed those teenagers in a pub.
The only wrong thing I did that night was to find the keys of a house on the street and steal some money!
Charlie Burke is the only one who could save us. But who would believe in the words of an old crazy homeless? They didn’t even bother looking for him. Charlie Burke, where the hell are you?
I think I won’t be strong enough stay in this hole for 30 years. I’ ll probably get crazy! Most of all, my father and all my family don’t deserve this ordeal. I swear that if everything goes right, I’ ll make them up for all the suffering they have been through.
God must be on my side. I’m not lying and I wouldn’t be able to kill someone, not even in the Name of My Father.